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necrotic enteritis
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  1. A dot - ppa - elisa method has been developed for the detection of anti - salmonella antibody in pigs . following work has been done for the establishment of the antibody detection method
    抗原为膜载抗原,建立了检测仔猪副伤寒血清抗体的dot - ppa - elisa方法。
  2. Different kinds of salmonella antigens have been tried and an improved heat - extracted antigen was used as the diaphragm antigen . the optimum condition of dot - ppa - elisa was determined . the antibody positive standard of salmonella infection was established as 1 : 32 , and the positive standard of protecting pigs from salmonella infection as 1 : 512
    研究中对多种方法提取的沙门氏菌抗原进行了筛选,选取了特异性良好的抗原;确定了dot - ppa - elisa的最佳工作条件;初步确定了感染仔猪副伤寒的dot - elisa抗体阳性标准为1 : 32 ,猪只抵御副伤寒感染的dot - elisa抗体保护标准为1 : 512 。
  3. The diaphragm had the ability to detect the positive serum when it was diluted to 2 ' 11 and so it has good sensitivity ; stored at 4 for at least 7 months , the sensitivity and specificity of the diaphragm did not change , so it has good stability ; when 10 positive serum was detected 3 times , the result is reproducible , so the diaphragm has good reproducible . serums from experimental inoculated piglets was detected . the results showed that when the titer is l : 16 , the pigs were infected with streptococcus suis ; and when 1 : 64 , the pigs could survive after challege with streptococcus suis . all the results have shown that dot - ppa - elisa was a convenient , rapid , sensitive specific useful method for the detection of antibody
    该法以硝酸纤维素膜为固相载体,包被膜载抗原制成的诊断膜片具有良好的特异性:不与仔猪副伤寒、猪巴氏杆菌病、猪大肠杆菌病、猪衣原体病、猪瘟、猪细小病毒病、猪伪狂犬病、猪布氏杆菌、猪丹毒阳性血清反应;膜片具有良好的灵敏性,阳性血清作2 ~ ( - 11 )稀释亦能检出;膜片具有良好的稳定性,在4至少能保存7个月,其灵敏性不变。
  4. The high specificity of the dot - ppa - elisa was confirmed by specific blocking test and also by cross - reaction test . the diaphragm did not react with the antibodies against salmonellosis , streptococcosis , colibacillosis , chlamydiosis , hcv , ppv , prv , brucellosis . erysipelas , suis and chlamydiosis in cross - reaction test . the diaphragm has good sensitivity and could detect some pasteurella - positive test serum which has been diluted to2 - "
    试验证明所建立的dot - ppa - elisa具有较好的特异性,与猪瘟、仔猪副伤寒、猪丹毒、猪细小病毒病、猪伪狂犬、猪布氏杆菌病、猪衣原体病阳性血清无交叉反应。
  5. This study indicates that the dot - ppa - elisa was a convenient , rapid , sensitive and specific method for the detection of salmonella antibody . otherwise , all of the materials used in dot - ppa - elisa can be standardized , so it ' s fit for the surveillance of salmonella antibody in herd and for the epidemiologic investigation of paratyphus swine


  1. "仔猪病毒性脑脊髓炎"英文
  2. "仔猪肠毛囊虫病"英文
  3. "仔猪传染性皮炎"英文
  4. "仔猪大肠杆菌病"英文
  5. "仔猪低血糖症"英文
  6. "仔猪腹泻"英文
  7. "仔猪工厂"英文
  8. "仔猪后肢外张病"英文
  9. "仔猪痢疾"英文
  10. "仔猪流行性腹泻病毒"英文


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