
发音:   用"以及米克贾格尔"造句
mick jagger
  • 以及:    as well as; along ...
  • :    rice
  • :    merchant
  • :    check; squares for ...
  • :    you
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  1. Also making the list are estimated settlements between harrison ford and melissa mathison 85 million ; kevin costner and cindy silva 80 million ; paul mccartney and heather mills , whose divorce could cost him more than 60 million ; james cameron and linda hamilton 50 million ; michael and diandra douglas 45 million and two homes ; lionel and diane richie 20 million ; and mick jagger and jerry hall 15 to 25 million . forbes said they researched divorces of the last 25 years in compiling the list , which was posted thursday on its web site . the results were also the subject of a one - hour special aired saturday 6 p . m . edt on the e
  2. Steven spielberg comes in third for paying his ex - wife amy irving an estimated 100 million , which was then half his fortune , when they divorced in 1989 . the oscar - winning director is now worth 3 billion . also making the list are estimated settlements between harrison ford and melissa mathison 85 million ; kevin costner and cindy silva 80 million ; paul mccartney and heather mills , whose divorce could cost him more than 60 million ; james cameron and linda hamilton 50 million ; michael and diandra douglas 45 million and two homes ; lionel and diane richie 20 million ; and mick jagger and jerry hall 15 to 25 million


  1. "以及曼哈顿研究所"英文
  2. "以及美鼓理学学会科学组"英文
  3. "以及美国大屠杀纪念博物馆"英文
  4. "以及美国民族音乐大奖"英文
  5. "以及美国前副总统戈尔"英文
  6. "以及密尔瓦基工程学校"英文
  7. "以及密尔瓦基乐曲剧院"英文
  8. "以及明尼亚波利斯艺术及设计学院"英文
  9. "以及南塔哈拉"英文
  10. "以及南弯市印第安纳大学以及普渡大学"英文


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