
发音:   用"会见专家"造句
meet the expert
  • 会见:    meet with; intervi ...
  • 专家:    specialist; expert ...
  • 会见:    meet with (esp. a ...
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  1. Attendees can take part in over 60 seminars and workshops from some of the nations best known physicians in cosmetic surgery , vision , dental , anti - aging , and more ; visit over 100 education - focused exhibits , meet the experts , and get the answers you want ; each person attending will receive special offers and gifts worth over $ 300 . 00 plus a chance to win prizes , including free botox and restylane injections , free consultations , gift certificates , and spa treatments worth over $ 1000 ; meet doctors that specialize in cosmetic surgery , dermatology , anti - aging , hair restoration , cosmetic dentistry and lasik
    参与者可以参加60多场的讨论会,参观来自一些国家整容外科,视力,牙齿,抗衰老及其他更多方面最知名医师的工作坊;可以参观100多个重点教育展品,会见专家,获得您想要的答案;每一个参加的人都将会收到特价优惠和价值超过300 , 00美元的礼品,另外还有获奖的机会,包括免费的肉毒杆菌注射,免费会诊,礼品?及价值1000美元的水疗;还可以会见专门从事整形外科,皮肤科,抗衰老,头发修复,牙齿美容等的专家


  1. "会见市民计划"英文
  2. "会见厅"英文
  3. "会见伍迪"英文
  4. "会见员工"英文
  5. "会见者"英文
  6. "会将手震幅度放大"英文
  7. "会将之归入"英文
  8. "会将植物生物碱"英文
  9. "会讲多种语言的导游"英文
  10. "会讲俏皮话的"英文


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