
发音:   用"会计分录"造句
accounting entries
accounting entry
journal entry
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  1. Continue to learn how to reverse engineer related accounting entries from financial statement information
  2. First , journalize accounting entries for all transactions occurred and post the entries in ledger accounts
  3. Entries made at the end of an accounting preriod to bring all accounts up to date on an accrual basis so that correct financial statements can be prepared
  4. Liu : certainly , i have recorded this revenue and an accounts receivable in the accounting records on july 1 . look , the entry is dr : accounts receivable rmb100000 , cr : sales rmb100000
    刘:当然。我已经在7月1日确认了收入,并增加了相应的应收账款余额。看,会计分录为借:应收账款人民币100000 ,贷:销售收入人民币100000 。
  5. Make over an agreement to make according to share solid the accountant processing that controls capital , if zhang san transfers stock li si ' s accountant , cent collection is : borrow : solid control capital - of zhang san borrows : solid control capital - li si as to make over the duty related the agreement to expend with share , be about to read the opinion between partner , be afraid the accountant is bad to make advocate , those who come is a boss , those who go still is a boss


  1. "会计方法"英文
  2. "会计方法;会计程序"英文
  3. "会计方法计划"英文
  4. "会计方针"英文
  5. "会计分类"英文
  6. "会计分期"英文
  7. "会计分期假设"英文
  8. "会计分析"英文
  9. "会计分析师"英文
  10. "会计风险"英文


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