
发音:   用"传感数据"造句
sense data
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  1. Long running sensor subscriptions may benefit from implementing trigger or alarm mechanisms
  2. In a sensor experiment , the student usually can not specify any parameters although she may be able to select the particular sensor data that she wishes to receive
  3. Running the experiment consists of subscribing to real time sensor data , usually presented in a graphical user interface such as a virtual strip chart
  4. At the lowest layer , the original sensor data is converted to information of signal type , and by a series effusion steps , the information can be converted to more abstract numbers and symbols
  5. Through analyzing two detecting methods of the botdr , we proposed the brillouin scattering distributed sensing system based on optical interferometric detection as a fmial scheme . then due to the powerful and flexible character of the usb micro - controller ez - usb fx2 , we selected it to make the platform of the optical - link control system . it not only satisfied the requirement to transmit sensing datas to the host at high speed , but also guaranteed to implement complex control algorithms
    接着通过对usb2 . 0协议和usb2 . 0控制芯片ez - usbfx2功能特征的分析,确定了使用ez - usbfx2作为光路控制系统的实现平台,并提出了相应的设计方案,既满足了传感数据向主机端的高速传输要求,又从软件上保证了各种复杂的光路控制算法的实现。


  1. "传感器最小检定分度值"英文
  2. "传感器阈"英文
  3. "传感设备"英文
  4. "传感式继电器"英文
  5. "传感式手套"英文
  6. "传感探头"英文
  7. "传感头"英文
  8. "传感系数"英文
  9. "传感系统"英文
  10. "传感线圈"英文


用手机租个“孙儿”陪买菜!在美国这已经是现实! (双语版)

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