
发音:   用"传输参数"造句
transmission parameter
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  1. It can be retrieved for informational purposes , and returns the maximum amount of bytes the provider uses when transmitting the value of the parameter to the server
  2. An transmission frame architecture and ofdm character architecture applicable to ofdm discussion on theoretical analysis on the estimate channel modules , five , the article introduces the long distance wireless communication are also presented
  3. The most important character of the next generation mobile system will be smart transmission whose function module will be implemented by smart processing unit . this paper deals with the blind detection techniques in adaptive transmission
  4. However . the traditional ip based network which is called error - prone only provides best - effort service at network layer from the point of technology generally . the best - effort mechanism cannot provide efficient guarantee for the network transmission parameters which are essential to those real - time implement such as video streaming over internet real - timely
    当前internet与无线通信网等从网络技术的角度,由于它们在网络层通常只提供“尽力发送” ( best - effort )服务,而这种尽力发送的机制使网络层对传输参数不提供任何保障,从这个角度它们属于易错( error - prone )网络。
  5. Then , 8 - error module is established , and the osl ( open + short + load ) method and the slt method which are standard calibration ones and the tls ( thru + line + short ) method which is nonstandard calibration one are obtained on the basis of the error module . good measurement results can be acquired by using nonstandard calibration technology that is proved by experiment . secondly , oddity point maybe appear in the measurement results after network analyzer is corrected by nonstandard calibration technology


  1. "传输波长计"英文
  2. "传输不规则性"英文
  3. "传输不平衡度"英文
  4. "传输参考点"英文
  5. "传输参考系统"英文
  6. "传输参数矩阵"英文
  7. "传输参数信令"英文
  8. "传输侧"英文
  9. "传输测度单元"英文
  10. "传输测量"英文


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