
发音:   用"低温再热"造句
cold reheat
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  1. Based on this model , wall temperature of spiral finned tubes has been computed to verify the validity of the model put forward in the paper
  2. Low temperature reheater ' s operational characteristics have been analyzed herein and the causes for problems listed above have also been further understood
  3. The wearing of the boiler ' s low - temperature reheater pipes of xiaoshan power plant is introduced , the causes of the pipe wear are analyzed , and wear treatment measures are put forward
  4. Design of the spiral finned tube low temperature reheater has been made by means of applicable investigation of spiral finned tubes , some mathematical - physical models for computing spiral finned tubes wall temperature have been set up
  5. In this paper , analysis and research have been carried out to deal with a lot of problems such as too low temperature for the reheating stream , too high temperature for the flue gas emitting from the furnace and too serious fly ash abrasion for the low temperature reheater of 670t / h coal - fired boiler in power plant
    本文针对某电厂670t h锅炉的低温再热器运行中存在的问题,即:再热汽温偏低;排烟温度高;低温再热器飞灰磨损;低温再热器超温爆管,进行了分析和研究。


  1. "低温原理与设备"英文
  2. "低温约热式量热计"英文
  3. "低温运行"英文
  4. "低温杂波"英文
  5. "低温载液罐"英文
  6. "低温再热器"英文
  7. "低温再热蒸汽管"英文
  8. "低温再循环"英文
  9. "低温增菌"英文
  10. "低温轧制"英文


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