
发音:   用"低频信道"造句
low channel
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  1. In order to meet to the higher timing precision of the low frequency time - code timing terminal , the applications of dsp ( digital signal processing technology ) in the time service is researched in this paper . the main works and contributions can be summarized as follows : ( l ) the low frequency signal transmission and dsp technology are discussed . according to the system needs , a testing flat of low frequency time - code based on dsp is built up
    本论文的工作针对低频时码授时高端用户的定时需求,对数字信号处理( dsp )这一新型技术在该领域应用进行了探索性研究,主要完成和开展了如下工作: ( 1 )研究分析了低频信道和dsp技术,根据系统要求,从硬件上实现了基于dsp芯片的低频时码信号的采集测试平台。


  1. "低频响应"英文
  2. "低频响应, 持续时间响应"英文
  3. "低频校正"英文
  4. "低频效果声道"英文
  5. "低频信标"英文
  6. "低频信号发生器"英文
  7. "低频信号发生器通用测试方法"英文
  8. "低频信号发生器通用技术条件"英文
  9. "低频性聋"英文
  10. "低频血型抗原"英文


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