
发音:   用"使加强"造句
d. strengthen
  • 使:    send; tell sb. to ...
  • 加强:    strengthen; enhanc ...
  • 使加倍:    reduplicate
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  1. I hope members will support the bill so that these measures can be implemented as soon as possible to strengthen control against illegal disposal of waste
  2. With the internationalization of finance and gradual opening of financial market after china ' s entry into wto , a lame a of foreign banks enter chinese market , which will have great effect on finance and the entire economic operation of our country and makes it especially necessary to strengthen the supervision of foreign banks
  3. Seven and eight respectively build the state audit model , nongovermental audit model and the internal audit model . the state audit should properly fix its position to its management system , meanwhile , enhance its audit contents , improve its audit mothods , make perfect the sfate standards of audit , adopt concrete and effective measures to lay a solid foundation in orde to realize the goal of objective model . nongovernmental audit should re - lecate its position in the management structure , build in partnership the micro system of nongovenmental audit , strengthem the regualation and proffessional standards , and conform the nongovenmental audit to standards . internal audit should re - fix its position reasonably in its organiztion form , adopt countermeasures to exising problems which are caused by the present audit model , reform and re - o


  1. "使加固"英文
  2. "使加剧"英文
  3. "使加剧,激怒"英文
  4. "使加快"英文
  5. "使加拿大化"英文
  6. "使加权"英文
  7. "使加入"英文
  8. "使加入,使接受为会员"英文
  9. "使加入圣徒之列"英文
  10. "使加深"英文


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