
发音:   用"保全证据"造句
take the evidence
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  1. " article 74 under circumstances where there is a likelihood that evidence may be destroyed or lost , or difficult to obtain later , the participants in the proceedings may apply to the people ' s court for preservation of the evidence
  2. Article 50 for the purpose of preventing the act of infringement and under the circumstances where the evidence could be lost or is difficult to obtain afterwards , the copyright owner or copyright - related right owner may apply to a people ' s court for evidence preservation before he initiates an action
  3. On the followed day of december 25 , 2001 , aiming at the 57th clause of amendatory brand law , the supreme people court made an explanation of how to apply clauses to stopping the infringed behave of the special right of registered tra de mark before lawsuit and how to save evidence from damage , which ordained before the litigation of intellectual property , or during the people courts was hearing the cases , the owners of trademark or the relative individuals might bring forward requisition to stop the behave of infringements and might save evidence from damage
    在接下来的2001年12月25日,最高人民法院又针对新修改的商标法的第57条做出了《关于诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为和保全证据适用法律问题的解释》 ,规定商标权人或者利害关系人在向人民法院提起知识产权侵权诉讼前,或者在人民法院审理侵权案件的过程中,可以提出先行停止侵权行为并可以进行证据保全的规定,此举进一步完善了知识产权立法,成为知识产权人维护权利的有力武器。


  1. "保全体面"英文
  2. "保全体面的"英文
  3. "保全险"英文
  4. "保全险综合险"英文
  5. "保全业"英文
  6. "保全资本"英文
  7. "保全组"英文
  8. "保饶"英文
  9. "保热"英文
  10. "保热的"英文


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