
发音:   用"保险费支出"造句
payment for insurance
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  1. Differential cost rate reflects difference of industry risk grade , decide according to inductrial injury number and circumstance of insurance premium defray , data identical or of close return for a sort
  2. The rise in internet use from 1995 to 1997 reduced term life prices by an estimated 8 to 15 percent , implying that consumers saved between $ 115 million and $ 215 million per year
    从1995年到1997年,互联网的兴起导致寿险价格下降了8到15个百分点,也就是说消费者每年节省了1 . 15亿到2 . 15亿美元的保险费支出
  3. For example , liaoning saves bureau of weather of boreal ticket city to adopt weather warming system , send weather forecast in time to insurance company to mix a lot of insurance application , ground of work along both lines supervises and urge insurance application undertake is on guard actively to atmosphere calamity , make to the compensation 1986 year after year of insurance premium pay decreased 1984 , by the compensation 1984 defray is decreased 1 . 4 million yuan it is 200 thousand yuan of 1986


  1. "保险费在内价(成本,加保险费)"英文
  2. "保险费增加"英文
  3. "保险费增加加保"英文
  4. "保险费帐单"英文
  5. "保险费帐户"英文
  6. "保险费准备"英文
  7. "保险费总共是800美圆"英文
  8. "保险分保损失"英文
  9. "保险分析员"英文
  10. "保险分析员来源"英文


父亲写给哈佛毕业生女儿的信:永远真实地活着! (双语)

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