
发音:   用"信息不确定性"造句
information uncertainty
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  1. Measurement of the uncertainty in remote sensing information
  2. In allusion to the characteristics of the information uncertainty during the sensor management process in fusion target recognition system , we proposed a sensor management method for target recognition based on discrimination
  3. The traditional one associates one measurement to each target , which ignores the uncertainty and fuzziness induced by noises . it is easy to get a fault association result when the targets are located densely . the proposed algorithm introduces the idea of probabilistic data association algorithm
  4. Therefore , this thesis mainly researches that how to set up the uncertainty model of fuzzy area and how to analyze the topological relation about fuzzy areas , based on the vector gis and using some knowledge including fuzzy mathematics and measure adjustment and so on
    因此,本论文基于矢量gis ,利用模糊数学、测量平差等知识,主要研究了如何建立模糊地理区域的位置和属性不确定性模型以及在建立地理信息不确定性模型后如何进行和模糊地理区域相关的空间拓扑关系分析。
  5. The fast - changing competitive landscape and responses from competitors become major uncertain issues when companies are trying to make investment decisions . accordingly , modeling those key factors into capital budgeting process is very necessary . in monopoly or oligopoly industries , the relationship among major competitors can be well understood by means of game theory


  1. "信息表达结构系统"英文
  2. "信息表示"英文
  3. "信息不定性"英文
  4. "信息不对称"英文
  5. "信息不灵"英文
  6. "信息部"英文
  7. "信息部分"英文
  8. "信息材料"英文
  9. "信息采集"英文
  10. "信息采集,信息获取"英文


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