
发音:   用"修改图"造句
amendment plan
  • 修改:    revise; amend; alt ...
  • :    picture; chart; dr ...
  • 修改图纸:    revisions on drawi ...
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  1. At the heart of slcad is a sophisticated three - dimensional engineering model . this model includes the terrain , the structures and all the wires . the model can be viewed in plan profile sheets . the slcad model is much more than just a picture or cad drawing since slcad understands the relationship between these elements . when you drag a structure off the current alignment slcad will update wire positions . the effects of this structure move will be instantly visible in the plan profile sheet view . in slcad you concentrate on designing your line instead of wasting your time drafting


  1. "修改停机"英文
  2. "修改通知"英文
  3. "修改通知单"英文
  4. "修改通知书"英文
  5. "修改透支限额"英文
  6. "修改图案填充"英文
  7. "修改图竣工图"英文
  8. "修改图纸"英文
  9. "修改完成"英文
  10. "修改完成消息"英文


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