
发音:   用"修理站"造句
breakdown service
repair station
service station
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  1. Audio technical centre
  2. An area beside an auto racecourse where cars may be refueled or serviced during a race . used with the
  3. I could field a terrific car , work in the pits 6 , be a part of the action , but i wouldn ' t have to get out there where i might make a mistake
  4. This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 12684
    兹证明东莞沙田永达汽车修理站已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为12684 。
  5. This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 30598
    兹证明东莞市虎门星辉汽车砂板修理站已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为30598 。


  1. "修理与维护"英文
  2. "修理与运行"英文
  3. "修理预算"英文
  4. "修理员"英文
  5. "修理员, 装配工"英文
  6. "修理站链"英文
  7. "修理站跑道"英文
  8. "修理帐目"英文
  9. "修理帐中之]领港费用"英文
  10. "修理者"英文


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