
发音:   用"偷听电话"造句
tap a telephone wire
wire tapping
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  1. Tap telephone conversation
  2. A british survey has revealed a nation of spies , rifling through their partners " text messages , tailing loved ones with webcams and even satellite navigation systems , to check their significant others are faithful
    英国一项调查发现,英国出了一帮“侦察”伴侣是否忠诚的“侦探” ,这帮“侦探”所采取的“侦察手段”包括检查对方的短信偷听电话用网眼跟踪甚至用上了卫星定位系统。
  3. A british survey has revealed a nation of ies , rifling through their partners ' text me ages , ta ing phone conversatio , tailing loved ones with webcams and even satellite navigation systems , to check their significant others are faithful
    英国一项调查发现,英国出了一帮“侦察”伴侣是否忠诚的“侦探” ,这帮“侦探”所采取的“侦察手段”包括检查对方的短信、偷听电话、用网眼跟踪、甚至用上了卫星定位系统。
  4. A british survey has revealed a nation of spies , rifling through their partners " text messages , tapping phone conversations , tailing loved ones with webcams and even satellite navigation systems , to check their significant others are faithful
    英国一项调查发现,英国出了一帮“侦察”伴侣是否忠诚的“侦探” ,这帮“侦探”所采取的“侦察手段”包括检查对方的短信偷听电话用网眼跟踪甚至用上了卫星定位系统。
  5. British survey has revealed a nation of spies , rifling through their partners ' text messages , tapping phone conversations , tailing loved ones with webcams and even satellite navigation systems , to check their significant others are faithful
    英国一项调查发现,英国出了一帮“侦察”伴侣是否忠诚的“侦探” ,这帮“侦探”所采取的“侦察手段”包括检查对方的短信、偷听电话、用网眼跟踪、甚至用上了卫星定位系统。


  1. "偷天陷阱,又名:将计就计"英文
  2. "偷天游戏"英文
  3. "偷听"英文
  4. "偷听到"英文
  5. "偷听的人。"英文
  6. "偷听电讯"英文
  7. "偷听女人心"英文
  8. "偷听者"英文
  9. "偷听者,窃听者"英文
  10. "偷偷"英文



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