
发音:   用"克罗索"造句
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  1. All photoduplication is carried out by new york public library staff . photography in the brooke russell astor reading room is not permitted
  2. Bright is his fame in lydian pelops ' colony [ 3 ] , inhabited of a goodly race , whose founder mighty earth - enfolding poseidon loved , what time from the vessel of purifying [ 4 ] klotho took him with the bright ivory furnishment of his shoulder
  3. I poor miserable robinson crusoe , being shipwreck d , during a dreadful storm , in the offing , came on shore on this dismal unfortunate island , which i call d the island of despair , all the rest of the ship s company being drown d , and my self almost dead
  4. However , even though i knew it was the parrot , and that indeed it could be no body else , it was a good while before i could compose my self : first , i was amazed how the creature got thither , and then , how he should just keep about the place , and no where else : but as i was well satisfied it could be no body but honest poll , i got it over ; and holding out my hand , and calling him by his name poll , the sociable creature came to me , and sat upon my thumb , as he used to do , and continu d talking to me , poor robin crusoe , and how did i come here
    其次,为什么它老守在这儿,不到别处去?但在我确实弄清楚与我说话的不是别人,而是我那忠实的鹦鹉后,心就定下来了。我伸出手来,向它叫了一声"波儿" ,这只会说话的小岛便像往常一样,飞到我的大拇指上,接连不断地对我叫着"可怜的鲁宾克罗索, "并问我"怎么到这儿来啦?
  5. I got over the fence , and laid me down in the shade to rest my limbs ; for i was very weary , and fell asleep : but judge you , if you can , that read my story , what a surprize i must be in , when i was wak d out of my sleep by a voice calling me by my name several times , robin , robin , robin crusoe , poor robin crusoe , where are you robin crusoe


  1. "克罗松"英文
  2. "克罗苏"英文
  3. "克罗苏阿尔"英文
  4. "克罗苏阿尔德"英文
  5. "克罗梭曲参数"英文
  6. "克罗索恩"英文
  7. "克罗索夫"英文
  8. "克罗索利"英文
  9. "克罗索诺"英文
  10. "克罗索娃"英文


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