
发音:   用"全国平均值"造句
national average
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  1. The annual average rainfall is about 400mm , less than the half of the national average
    全区年均降水量约400mm ,不足全国平均值的半数。
  2. Similar to china variation tendency of precipitation , but reduce faster than the national average
    降水的变化趋势与全国相似,呈下降趋势,下降速度高于全国平均值( - 1 . 269mm a ) , 90年代大幅减少。
  3. By 1997 , however , production - line pay dropped below the average in most areas of the u . s . , except where unions were still strong , such as in detroit
  4. Water use efficiency in shunyi is comparatively 12 - 50 % lower than national level at present for crops except rice and soybean , which means a great water - saving potential in the region according to comparison between experimental observation and estimation . for most crops , yield potential can hardly be increased . therefore , it is necessary to enhance water - saving efficiency of cropping in the region
    2 )比较当前顺义区作物实际水分利用效率和全国平均的作物水分利用效率得出:除夏大豆和水稻外,顺义区其它作物水分利用效率低于全国平均值12 ? 50 ,与当地试验值和理论计算值相比,还有很大的增长潜力;而作物实际产量与理论产量的比较表明,大部分作物的增产潜力已不大,所以,种植业节水效率还有待于进一步提高。


  1. "全国配货人理事会"英文
  2. "全国喷水灭火系统协会"英文
  3. "全国烹调工人工会"英文
  4. "全国皮肤中心肤科网"英文
  5. "全国平均水平"英文
  6. "全国评奖委员会"英文
  7. "全国评论"英文
  8. "全国普及法律常识办公室"英文
  9. "全国普通高等学校招生入学考试"英文
  10. "全国普通高等学校招生统一考试"英文



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