
发音:   用"关键顾客"造句
career customer
  • 关键:    hinge; key; crux; ...
  • 顾客:    customer; shopper; ...
  • 对顾客:    b to c; business t ...
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  1. Which are key branding years . . .
    他们是我们的关键顾客… …
  2. Which are key branding years . . .
    他们是我们的关键顾客… …
  3. Which are key branding years
  4. Finally , a case about critical customer value mining is discussed , and design a practical scheme how to implement customer value
  5. What is the meaning of customer value and how to create customer value are explored in this chapter as well . chapter 2 presents customer value analysis , including gale value appraise model analysis , dynamic analysis and strategic analysis , and the relation of customer value innovation and core competence . customer value management are discussed in chapter 3 . we explore the meaning of customer value management and customer life value , analyze how to create customer value , and present the support implementary system . chapter 4 presents how to mine critical customer value based on the case about diesel engine industry
    第二章为顾客价值分析,内容涵盖了盖尔的价值分析模型、顾客价值的动态分析和战略分析,以及顾客价值创新与核心竞争力的关系。第三章为顾客价值管理,探讨了顾客价值管理的内涵和顾客终身价值的含义,分析了如何创造顾客价值,给出了顾客价值战略实施的支持体系。第四章为关键顾客价值挖掘? ?以柴油机行业为例。


  1. "关键工作表"英文
  2. "关键工作项"英文
  3. "关键工作中心"英文
  4. "关键功能"英文
  5. "关键构件;临界构件"英文
  6. "关键管道系统"英文
  7. "关键管理"英文
  8. "关键过程区域"英文
  9. "关键过程输入变量"英文
  10. "关键过程域"英文


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