
发音:   用"内控标准"造句
inner quality standard
  • 内控:    internally pilotin ...
  • 标准:    standard; criterio ...
  • 内控点:    internal locus of ...
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  1. Adopt internal control standards , which are stricter than water quality standard
  2. We base upon enterprises , advance under the directions of the policies , take the manage concept as fulcrum and set up the whole quality control system of chinese medicine to help enterprises establish their internal control standard
  3. Based on the coso report , this essay analyzes the current situation of internal control for chinese companies at this stage , and proposes advices to perfect the system in the process of establishment
  4. The main products we produce involve in the various quintuplicate layers cartons , tri - layers cartons , sep - layers cartons and paper packets , whose specifications are designed by customers requests . from the outset of lianxing , she has been dedicated to increasing the quality of the product , improving the management and setting up the prefect quality managerial system . she strictly carries out the interior standard detection on the raw material , semi - product and finished product


  1. "内孔压"英文
  2. "内孔直径"英文
  3. "内孔周圆窥视仪"英文
  4. "内孔状单缝孢属"英文
  5. "内控"英文
  6. "内控点"英文
  7. "内控电光分幅式高速全息摄影机"英文
  8. "内控阀"英文
  9. "内控检测"英文
  10. "内控型人格"英文


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