
发音:   用"农村发展项目"造句
rural development project
  • 农村:    rural area; countr ...
  • 发展:    develop; expand; g ...
  • 项目:    item; article; cla ...
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  1. It focuses on villagers in dranang county in shannan prefecture , and naqu and nierong counties in naqu prefecture , and works with the community to improve local capacity in seven key areas : 1 domestic and stock water supply and management ; 2 improved crop production and management mainly in dranang county ; 3 livestock and rangeland management ; 4 development of improved social forestry and environmental programs involving village and homestead tree plantations ; 5 improved sanitation , preventative health measures and mother child health care ; 6 identification and development of income generation opportunities , both on - farm and off - farm ; 7 capacity building for government administrators to implement poverty reduction strategies
    自治区基本生活改善项目bhnp是一个综合性的农村发展项目,其基本宗旨是提高项目区当地政府和农村社区减少贫困及解决基本需求的能力。项目活动主要集中在山南地区的扎朗县和那曲地区的那曲县和聂荣县,分为七个主要领域: 1人畜饮用水系统安装及管理


  1. "农村发展和粮食安全网络"英文
  2. "农村发展和渔业部长"英文
  3. "农村发展基金"英文
  4. "农村发展基金会"英文
  5. "农村发展科"英文
  6. "农村发展学"英文
  7. "农村发展研究所"英文
  8. "农村发展银行"英文
  9. "农村发展与粮食安全机构间网络"英文
  10. "农村发展政策司"英文


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