
发音:   用"冰漠"造句
ice desert
  • :    ice
  • :    desert
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  1. You know in this case then you must instantly get the paper napkin in your left hand under and around the bottom of the cone to stem the forthcoming flow , or else be doomed to eat the cone far too rapidly
  2. Now take up the classic ice - cream - cone - eating stance : feet from one to one feet apart , body bent forward from the waist at a twenty - five - degree angle , right elbow well up , right forearm horizontal , at a level with your collarbone and about twelve inches from it
  3. There ' s one other alternative - one that takes both skilled and courage : forgoing any cradling action , grasp the cone more firmly between thumb and forefinger and extend the other fingers so that they are out of the way of the dripping from the bottom , then increase the waist - bend angle from twenty - five to thirty - five degrees , and then eat the cone , allowing it to drip out of the bottom onto the ground in front of you


  1. "冰魔"英文
  2. "冰魔高级牧师"英文
  3. "冰魔狂战士"英文
  4. "冰魔猎手"英文
  5. "冰魔首领"英文
  6. "冰幕向下凸出的部分"英文
  7. "冰木瓜牛奶"英文
  8. "冰拿铁咖啡"英文
  9. "冰拿铁咖啡(跳舞咖啡)"英文
  10. "冰钠长石系"英文


圣诞节的祝福语  (英文版)

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