
发音:   用"函数推广"造句
functional generalization
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  1. We improve this method as follows : ( 1 ) single jacobi elliptic function is replaced with an unified jacobi elliptic equation , thus repeated calculation is avoided ; ( 2 ) extending the expansion method from sole - function to double - function form , the more solutions for npde are obtainted ; ( 3 ) using many of jacobi elliptic functions besides ordinary three kinds , the content of solutions represented by jacobi elliptic by the jacobi elliptic function expansion method and computer functions is very abundant
  2. In the paper , consolidation effects on stress and displacement distributions are n ' t taken into consideration due to supposing that foundation soil consolidation has completed after surcharging preloading . based on the inherent anisotropy and induced anisotropy of foundation soil body , transversely isotropic elastic constitutive relations are adopted to simulate half - space clastic foundation body . the relations between displacement and displacement function are proposed by extending t , ove displacement function to transversely isotropic elastic half - space


  1. "函数图线关系式"英文
  2. "函数图像"英文
  3. "函数图像大师"英文
  4. "函数图形, 函数双图形, 函数有向图"英文
  5. "函数图形语言"英文
  6. "函数完备系"英文
  7. "函数微分"英文
  8. "函数微分方程理论"英文
  9. "函数谓词"英文
  10. "函数文件性能评估器"英文


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