
发音:   用"分子尺度"造句
molecular scale
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  1. With the aids of the high resolution of afm , self - assembly which use molecular scale material as unit to fabricate nanometer scale structure could realize this goal
  2. The ionic self - assembly deposition technique is a newly developed technique used to fabricate thin films of photoelectric parts with its main advantages : easy o peration , controllable film thickness and compound in molecular size
  3. The results can be summarized into the following aspects : molecular dynamics study of liquid - vapor interface shows that the planar liquid - vapor interface at macroscopic level is in fact a wavy surface fluctuating with time , and the length scale of the fluctuating region of the wavy surface is the thickness of the liquid - vapor interface . with speckle laser visualized experiment , the fluctuation of the interface can be verified qualitatively . moreover , md simulations indicate that in the liquid - vapor equilibrium system , there exists a local non - equilibrium region near the interface


  1. "分子沉"英文
  2. "分子成核作用"英文
  3. "分子成团点"英文
  4. "分子成像"英文
  5. "分子尺寸"英文
  6. "分子斥力"英文
  7. "分子冲撞"英文
  8. "分子抽机"英文
  9. "分子臭氧化物"英文
  10. "分子传导"英文


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