
发音:   用"分权与制衡"造句
checks and balances
  • 分权:    separation of powe ...
  • :    take part in; part ...
  • 分权制衡:    checks and balance ...
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  1. Checks and balances
  2. At present , research on corporate governance is mostly based on the disperse of right , which only stays at its surface and lacks deepening study on its system and practicability
  3. In chapter ii and chapter iii , the writer respectively discusses the inevitable appearance of the division of power and restriction of company " s control structure in china , the provisions about it in the modern company laws , and its function and choice of value
  4. Enlightened by ancient china ' s system of yushi ( the emperor " s envoys ) and in the light of recent work experience , the author of this article holds that the existence and its independence of this power is of great significance to guarantee the judicial justice
  5. In the chapters two , the emergence and development of the judicial independence theory will be studied . this chapter has a comprehensive argument about the historical process of the judicial independence theory and constitutional practice . the author first addresses the historical process of the judicial independence theory , because the judicial independence theory has been developed basing on the


  1. "分权化"英文
  2. "分权化预算法"英文
  3. "分权决策"英文
  4. "分权学说"英文
  5. "分权拥有人"英文
  6. "分权制"英文
  7. "分权制, 分权"英文
  8. "分权制公司"英文
  9. "分权制衡"英文
  10. "分权制会计"英文


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