
发音:   用"切片厚度"造句
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  1. Cytochemical methods : the testis was fixed in cold acetone , embedded in paraffin , sectioned at 6 u m , observed with olympus bh - 2 microscopy and dna was showed with feulgen , glycogen was showed with pas
    细胞化学样品以冷丙酮固定,常规石蜡包埋,切片厚度为6 m , feulgen反应显示dna ; pas反应显示糖原颗粒, olympusbh - 2型显微镜观察。
  2. The surface ladder effect produced by prototyping principle is analyzed , and the calculation method of the part surface roughness is presented . the selecting method of slice thickness and sintering layer thickness when slicing the cad model and sintering is presented
  3. In this paper , the methods that the author used are as follows : light microscopy : the testis was fixed in bouin ' s fluid , dehydrated in an ethyl alcohol series , embedded in paraffin , sectioned at 6 u m and stained with hematoxylin and eosin , then observed with olympus microscopy and photographed
    光镜样品以bouin ' s固定液固定,系列酒精脱水,石蜡包埋,切片厚度6 m ,苏木精、伊红染色, olympus显微镜观察并拍照。
  4. Material and methods normal rats of male sd were divided into young , adult , and aging groups . preparation of samples for light microscopy : animals were anesthetized by peritoneal injection of 6 % chloral hydrate ( 0 . 5ml / 100g body weight ) . perfusion and fixation of animals were carried out by a common procedure : 37 normal saline 50 - 100 ml and then 4 % paraformaldehyde pbs 100 - 400ml were perfused through the left ventricle of the heart , the whole procedure was lasted for about somin . the entire brain was dissected out and dipped in the fixative solution for 12h at 4 . brain pieces targeted were choosen and then passed the graded alcohols for dehydration , dipping into paraffin for embeding , and reshaping the pieces
    2 )磷酸缓冲液100400m , 30分钟灌注完毕,取出整脑,在上述固定剂oc )内后固定12小时。切取观察部位脑块,然后,进行梯度酒精脱水,浸蜡,包埋,修块,石蜡连续切片(德国leica石蜡切片机人切片厚度still , zlllll ,蛋自甘油载片捞片, 60c烤箱过夜,二甲苯脱蜡,梯度酒精置换,浸水, h六染色,梯度酒精脱水,二甲苯透明,中性树脂封片。室温风干后,显微镜观片, olympus万能显微镜照相。


  1. "切片工"英文
  2. "切片工段"英文
  3. "切片工具"英文
  4. "切片供给机"英文
  5. "切片烘干机"英文
  6. "切片混合器"英文
  7. "切片火腿"英文
  8. "切片机"英文
  9. "切片机刀架"英文
  10. "切片机刀片"英文


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