
发音:   用"切除法"造句
cut off method
cutoff method
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  1. I would advise a caesarean operation .
  2. It is these small tumors that should probably be treated by partial nephrectomy , rather than the radical procedure
  3. Russo said . “ the risk of new tumor formation is minimal compared to the benefits of kidney preservation
    “与(部分切除法)保留一个肾相比, (外全切除法使)新的肿瘤生长的可能性被降到了最低。 ”
  4. After adjusting for age , kidney function , diabetes , hyperte ion and other factors , they found that the three - year probability of a patient suffering a new o et of chronic kidney disease was 65 percent for those undergoing the radical procedure , and 20 percent for those who had only the partial nephrectomy
    经过平衡年龄、肾功能、糖尿病、高血压和其他的一些因素,他们发现,在3年存续期中采用完全切除法的患者开始患慢性肾病的比例为65 % ,而采用部分切除法的只有20 % 。
  5. After adjusting for age , kidney function , diabetes , hypertension and other factors , they found that the three - year probability of a patient suffering a new onset of chronic kidney disease was 65 percent for those undergoing the radical procedure , and 20 percent for those who had only the partial nephrectomy
    经过平衡年龄、肾功能、糖尿病、高血压和其他的一些因素,他们发现,在3年存续期中采用完全切除法的患者开始患慢性肾病的比例为65 % ,而采用部分切除法的只有20 % 。


  1. "切除的"英文
  2. "切除的包皮"英文
  3. "切除锭头"英文
  4. "切除定理"英文
  5. "切除端部"英文
  6. "切除附着手术法"英文
  7. "切除肝脏"英文
  8. "切除核酸酶"英文
  9. "切除和替换术"英文
  10. "切除后甲状旁腺功能减退"英文


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