
发音:   用"刚性平面"造句
rigid plane
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  1. In this paper , we analyzed effects induced by the geometric nonlinear on the rigid steel - frame and the semi - rigid steel - frame , by use of the theory of beam - column and the theory of big - displacement & small - transfiguration . we also discussed the difference between the rigid steel - frame and semi - rigid steel - frame
  2. Fourthly , the linear programming technique is combined with efg - fe coupling method to solve the elasto - plastic contact problems . a cylinder in contact with a rigid plane is implemented to show how to choose some of the parameters of efg - fe coupling method in solving the contact problems . an elasto - plastic contact of rough surfaces is also carried out
  3. In order to analysis the contact problem between elasticity roller and rigid plane , another iterative process is raised . supposing the right contact point has been known , the left contact point has to be found and the distribution of stick zone and slip one have to be determined in each iterative process . the outer load is evaluated according to the solved force distribution in contact zone
  4. The ultrasonic dynamic contact of bolt - clamped transducer and rigid plane are modeled using hertzian contact theory , and the analyzing results reveal that the nodal plane of the bolt - clamped transducer is levitated in normal direction by the ultrasonic dynamic contact action , and the real area of contact of bolt - clamped transducer and rigid plane decreases in the same time


  1. "刚性母线"英文
  2. "刚性能带模型"英文
  3. "刚性凝固"英文
  4. "刚性扭曲"英文
  5. "刚性泡沫"英文
  6. "刚性铺面"英文
  7. "刚性铺装"英文
  8. "刚性牵引杆"英文
  9. "刚性牵引装置"英文
  10. "刚性嵌段"英文


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