
发音:   用"制造可"造句
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  1. Actualities and developing trend of virtual manufacturing visualization environment
  2. Try to make paper from tree materials , or even try your hand at recycling paper
  3. Meanwhile we are continuing our therapeutic cloning experiments to generate cloned or parthenogenetically produced human embryos that will yield stem cells . scientists have only begun to tap this important resource
  4. Since the water soluble fiber in fabric can be dissolved , the style and grade of the fabric will certainly be greatly improved . after it is processed to water soluble non - woven fabric it can be used as disposable cloth such as computer embroidery cloth , medical operation clothes , operation cap , gauze mask , and cloth pieces for medical operation etc . its pure yarn fabric can be used as medical nonstick cloth , and its high strength fiber can be spun into high strength yarn for the production of high quality and recoverable sacks for cement or fodder etc . with the development of the water solubility of the vinylon staple , the staple will be used more and more extensively day by day


  1. "制造惊喜让他们发现"英文
  2. "制造精度"英文
  3. "制造精气"英文
  4. "制造经理"英文
  5. "制造纠纷"英文
  6. "制造可锻铁的生铁"英文
  7. "制造可锻铸铁的生铁"英文
  8. "制造可靠并节省空间的管道系统的全新方法"英文
  9. "制造可靠性"英文
  10. "制造空当"英文


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