
发音:   用"前壳"造句
front housing
  • :    front
  • :    shell; hard surfac ...
  • 前壳体:    front case; front ...
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  1. Front case of vacuum booster
  2. The article calculate the sale income , gross cost , income , cash flow , internal rate of return , net present value , payback period in etc . then i contrast analysis result of calculating with one of feasibility study and national standard , i have got a conclusion to analysis though ca7200e3 transformation - shell project from 2000 to 2005 management result can not achieve than assume , but this project management result is better than national standard . in conclusion the project is successful . 38 - 40 as proceeding the assessment , the article also gives many suggestion on the future of the project . i have a lot analysis from several aspect , they includes project background analysis , market analysis , project condition analysis , finance analysis , etc . these analysis prove that the project is feasibility


  1. "前科消灭与出狱人的社会保护"英文
  2. "前科学"英文
  3. "前科学概念"英文
  4. "前科资料"英文
  5. "前科罪"英文
  6. "前壳体"英文
  7. "前壳体组件"英文
  8. "前壳突"英文
  9. "前壳总成"英文
  10. "前客舱"英文


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