
发音:   用"加班机"造句
extra section flight
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  1. " the total number of additional flights represents a 13 per cent increase over last year s lunar new year holidays , when 882 extra flight movements were recorded
  2. " the total number of additional flight slot requests represents about 10 per cent increase over last year s easter holidays . this is indeed a very encouraging news , " the spokesman said
  3. " the total number of additional flights represents a 15 per cent increase over last year s lunar new year holidays , when slot requests to operate 896 extra flights were received
  4. As at today , 27 airlines have submitted slot requests to operate 936 additional scheduled and ad - hoc charter flights during the two - week period from january 29 to february 13 , with most of the applications falling on the period of february 3 to 11
  5. As at today , 15 airlines had submitted slot requests to operate 338 additional scheduled and ad - hoc charter flights ( i . e . a total of 676 flight movements ) from february 4 to february 20 , with most applications falling on the period between february 9 ( lunar new year s day ) and february 13 ( the fifth day of the lunar new year ) . all requests received so far have been accepted
    截至今日为止,十五间航空公司已申请在二月四日至二月二十日期间增加三百三十八班额外编定航班和专程包机(即共六百七十六航机架次) ,其中以二月九日(农历年初一)至二月十三日(农历年初五)期间的加班机申请为最多。


  1. "加班工作"英文
  2. "加班工作时间"英文
  3. "加班工作时间空余的时间"英文
  4. "加班航班"英文
  5. "加班后补休"英文
  6. "加班计算程序"英文
  7. "加班加点"英文
  8. "加班加点更易损害女性健康"英文
  9. "加班加点工作"英文
  10. "加班加点工作, 规定时间以外的工作"英文


春节风俗禁忌:过年做这10件事会倒霉 (双语)

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