
发音:   用"动态划分"造句
dynamic partitioning
  • 动态:    trends; general tr ...
  • 划分:    divide; partition; ...
  • 划分:    1.(分成部分) divide; p ...
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  1. Research on segmentation technique and data modeling in highway management system
  2. It used rule conflict and rule dependency to dynamically partition the trai . .
  3. To solve the problem of rule learning time cost for traditional transformation based part of speech tagging method of latin mongolian , a dynamic partition algorithm was presented
  4. To address the issue between theoretic analysis and engineering application , this paper presents a new method to digitize the design of platform lorry . on the basis of research effort before , this paper dynamically divides the turning process of whole wheels of platform lorry in all operating conditions into several parts , and establishes mathematical model of turning resisting moment in all operating modes with global analysis method , calculus , relative motion theory and mathematical analysis
  5. Smart antenna may reduce coggege of electronic engineering of uestc , the cochannel interferences ( cci ) , enhance the user capacity and spectrum efficiency , reduces the transmit power and electromagnetic interferences , enhance the transmit efficiency , dynamically divide cells in third generation cellular
    智能天线技术应用于第三代移动通信系统中具有可以减小因频率复用造成的共信道干扰( cci ) 、提高频谱利用效率及增大系统容量、减小发射功率和空间电磁干扰、增加发射效率、对小区进行动态划分等优点。


  1. "动态互叫"英文
  2. "动态互联网络"英文
  3. "动态花卉"英文
  4. "动态画面"英文
  5. "动态画面管理器"英文
  6. "动态化"英文
  7. "动态化学流变学"英文
  8. "动态化学体系"英文
  9. "动态话务量超载控制"英文
  10. "动态环境"英文


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