
[ pǐfūzhīyǒng ]发音:   "匹夫之勇"的汉语解释   用"匹夫之勇"造句
brute courage; mere physical courage; a deed of derring-do; courage without discipline; foolhardiness; mere bravado; personal prowess; reckless [animal] courage; sheer deviltry
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  1. I often have such moments of bounding, vehement courage .
  2. In the economic tide of “ knowledge + capital ” , with china ' s entering into wto , it is impossible for a single person to realize the strategic expansion of an enterprise , not to mention establishing an effective operation and management system
    例1 、在“知识+资本”的经济潮流中,在入世的声声号角声中,单凭匹夫之勇,已无法完成一个企业的战略性扩展,更谈不上建立一个行之有效的管理模式。
  3. So this doctoral thesis tries to provide her with an academic suggestion : the strategy for northeast asia should be yuan jiao jin gong , for middle asia should be fan ke wei zhu , for southern asia should be he xiao gong da , for southeast asia should be qian yi mo hua
  4. At the end mr brown touches on the topic of ignoble valour but he makes no judgment on it beyond saying , “ in our discourse on courage , we continually seek to draw distinction between acts of courage and acts of fanaticism , mindless recklessness , fury - driven malevolence and other extreme behaviour that may masquerade as courage


  1. "匹夫匹妇"英文
  2. "匹夫无罪,怀壁其罪"英文
  3. "匹夫无罪怀壁其罪"英文
  4. "匹夫有责"英文
  5. "匹夫之辈"英文
  6. "匹夫之勇;同甘共苦"英文
  7. "匹夫之志不可夺也"英文
  8. "匹伏普利"英文
  9. "匹伏替"英文
  10. "匹伏西泮"英文


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