
发音:   用"协议堆栈"造句
protocol stack
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  1. The irda classes operate in the information access service layer of the irda protocol stack
    Irda类在irda协议堆栈的信息访问服务( ias )层运行。
  2. If you are in non - blocking mode , and there is no data available in the in the protocol stack buffer , the
  3. If you are in non - blocking mode , and there is no data available in the in the protocol stack buffer , the
  4. The dissertation analyzes the data flow of tcp / ip protocol stack , a software architecture is brought forward that is based on ixp1200 network processor
    第三部分:本文在分析了tcp ip协议堆栈的数据流的基础上,提出了基于ixp1200网络处理器的虚拟专用网的软件体系结构。
  5. This paper mostly expatiates tcp / ip protocol stack system as well as the data _ transmission manner on the network . it introduces program principle of socket of exploitation entironment of windows sockets network communications program : software entironment is operating system of windows 98 either windows nt because they all sustain windows sockets api
    本文主要讲述了tcp ip协议堆栈的体系以及它在网络上传送数据的方式,介绍socket (套接字)的编程原理, windowssockets网络通信程序的开发环境:软件环境即为所采用的操作系统,可以是windows98 ,也可以是windowsnt ,因为它们都支持windowssocketsapi 。


  1. "协议第九章"英文
  2. "协议定价"英文
  3. "协议定义"英文
  4. "协议独立"英文
  5. "协议端日号"英文
  6. "协议法"英文
  7. "协议范本"英文
  8. "协议范围"英文
  9. "协议仿真程序"英文
  10. "协议分层"英文


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