
发音:   用"单件小批生产"造句
job lot manufacture
jobbing work
  • 单件:    stick
  • :    small; little; pet ...
  • :    write instructions ...
  • 生产:    produce; manufactu ...
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  1. This paper introduces the integrated system of schedule management and operation monitoring in single and mini - batch production condition
  2. At first , in this article , we analyzed the requirements for the planning system in this kind of enterprises . then we expatiated the ways to design it by defining the function model and the information model
  3. The result of application suggests that the information system model has common compatibility and practical popularization value for the establishment of information system in the large - scale , single - piece and small - batch enterprises
  4. This paper objected at the enterprises produce with order - drive . based on the practice , the article generalizes the procedure and main points of the erp application in accordance with our country and gives the logical practical and workable solution
  5. Chapter two and chapter three analyze the requirements of different types of enterprises , including mass production , middle and small batch production , single production . based on this , the main function frame of master production scheduling and job shop scheduling is established . four methods of drawing master production scheduling and four modes of formulating job shop scheduling are proposed , and most of them are discussed in details at aspects such as theory , realization and data store , etc . not only is it important for master production scheduling and job shop scheduling to support different types of enterprises , but also for other support functions


  1. "单件损耗"英文
  2. "单件套"英文
  3. "单件图"英文
  4. "单件铣"英文
  5. "单件小批定货产品"英文
  6. "单件小批生产 零件印刷 合同工"英文
  7. "单件小批生产车间"英文
  8. "单件小批生产的计划工作"英文
  9. "单件重量"英文
  10. "单件装"英文


调查:   读研更容易让人抑郁    (双语)

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