
[ wòyún ]发音:   "卧云"的汉语解释   用"卧云"造句
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  1. Cloudman likes high class cars , not cheap trucks
  2. Pingheng ( balances - remain motionless limit : at least 1 second ) : tixipingheng , pantuipingheng , tanhaipingheng , wangyuepingheng , woyunpingheng
    平衡(静止时间必须保持1秒) :提膝平衡、盘腿平衡、探海平衡、望月平衡、卧云平衡。
  3. Turning left from the foot of the celestial capital peak , one steps onto the jade screen stairs and goes through the care slope , passes hassock rock , crosses the lying cloud cave and the immortal bridge before reaching a place called a thread of sky
  4. The hot spring of the yellow mountains of nationwide fame , was discovered and tapped more than a thousand years ago . gushing forth from the foot of purple cloud peak , it has never run dry during the most severe droughts nor overflooded during excessive rain . it is of a high - temperature carbonate type , with therapeutic effects for metabolic disorder , cardiovascular disease and malfunctions of digestive , nervous and motorial systems . its clear waters remain at 42c all the year round and can be used for drinking and bathing . baths and swimming pools have been built around the spring
    黄山拥有无数从过去留下来的石刻,这些石刻不仅仅是优美书法的样本,也是黄山风景的形象描述: “百态云” “奇美” “刺天峰” “巧夺天工” “宏伟” “壮丽山河” “石狮咆哮” “且听吟” “卧云” “迷人” “永恒” “醉石”等等。


  1. "卧亚"英文
  2. "卧伊"英文
  3. "卧椅"英文
  4. "卧椅,躺椅。"英文
  5. "卧英雄式"英文
  6. "卧栅"英文
  7. "卧针"英文
  8. "卧置"英文
  9. "卧轴"英文
  10. "卧轴矩台平面磨床"英文


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