
发音:   用"历史及现实"造句
origin, history and reality of national identity for taiwan populace
  • 历史:    history; past reco ...
  • :    reach; come up to
  • 现实:    reality; actuality
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  1. History of rural medical insurance and realistic options in china
  2. They rush to trade based on insufficient back - testing and forward - testing
  3. Different sources of incentives for em in usa and china are respectively discussed in the second chapter the third chapter discusses trade - offs associated with three research designs comn1only used in the em literatures chapter four presents a newly developed empirical research design for em , called jones - threshold model , and the model is applied to tl1e usa listed c ( ) mpanies chapter five overviews some empiricai research resuits in china ' s iisted c ( ) mpanies chapter six discusses the commonly used means of em i11 usa and china
    继而讨论了中囚资木巾场卜信息披露存在的问题及政策等。 “他山之石可以攻玉” ,作为新兴的市场纤济体中的卜, h公司,毫无疑问,我们能从美国卜市公司的历史及现实中受益良多n基于这种认识,作片选w了盈余管理的中美比较作为研究的视角。
  4. This thesis is divided into six chapters . in chapter 1 , the review of the chaos research background and developments involving the definitions of chaos , mea - surements of chaos , concept of transversal homoclinic points , concept of strange attractors , and control and anti - control of chaos is presented


  1. "历史换算率"英文
  2. "历史会计处理"英文
  3. "历史会重演"英文
  4. "历史及地理学"英文
  5. "历史及考古地点"英文
  6. "历史计量学"英文
  7. "历史记录"英文
  8. "历史记录洪水"英文
  9. "历史记录画笔工具"英文
  10. "历史记录卡"英文


父亲写给哈佛毕业生女儿的信:永远真实地活着! (双语)

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