
发音:   用"参展期间"造句
during the exhibition period
  • 期间:    time; period; cour ...
  • 参展:    at the exhibition
  • 展期:    1.(往后推迟) extend a ...
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  1. Creators and users can meet , discuss and conduct business during the 5 days of the event
  2. I suggest you book a hotel with high - quality facilities and services like ours in order to keep guests away from the unexpected
  3. Exhibition space is licensed strictly to the exhibitor for trade promotion purpose allocated in a manner satisfactory to the organizer both during assembly and installation of stand as well as at the exhibition
  4. During the exhibition , association members promoted i have come to take you home as an introduction to supreme master ching hais teachings and an easy guide out of lifes labyrinth back to our true home
  5. For example , one visitor , a yoga teacher , said , im overjoyed to finally find a true master ! during the show , the initiates also met many people who had learned of master in other countries or cities , or who had attended our associations previous seminars or exhibitions in toronto . these and other guests acquired more information about masters teachings , and one elderly woman signed up to learn the convenient method , saying , i prefer this meditation compared to yoga practices , and i would like to share the blessings with my friends in the nursing home where i live


  1. "参赞桑骏"英文
  2. "参展"英文
  3. "参展产品"英文
  4. "参展面积"英文
  5. "参展内容"英文
  6. "参展人士"英文
  7. "参展人士10"英文
  8. "参展商"英文
  9. "参展商服务手册"英文
  10. "参展商协会"英文



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