
发音:   用"双层衬里"造句
dual-layer lining
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  1. This paper discusses how to improve expand section ' s lining of heavy - calibre and high - tempreture , the steel - fibre lining is improved to be the lining of firebrick and fireproof material , to avoide the lining drop and meet the needs of production
  2. Wear resistant layer of cylinder and double - layer liner in catalyst creaking apparatus ( without or with tortoiseshell net can be used ) , inner liner of carbon monoxide exhaust - heat boiler , pouring at site for furnace roof with high temperature of heating furnace of steel rolling , different forging furnace , resistance furnace , the prefabricated parts can also be made
    催化裂化装置中的筒体耐磨层及双层衬里, (无龟甲网和有龟甲网均可采用)及一氧化碳余热锅炉的内衬,也适用于轧钢加热炉、各种煅造炉、电阻炉的炉顶、炉墙、炉底高温部位的现场浇注,可制成预制构件。


  1. "双层沉淀"英文
  2. "双层沉淀槽"英文
  3. "双层沉淀池"英文
  4. "双层沉淀池(隐化池)"英文
  5. "双层陈列保温柜"英文
  6. "双层充气膜"英文
  7. "双层抽样"英文
  8. "双层抽油井"英文
  9. "双层橱"英文
  10. "双层触媒转换"英文


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