
发音:   用"双联泵"造句
double combination pump
double pump
duplex pump
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  1. Besides above mentioned values for dimension code in the fig . of the double pump , other dimensions are same with the single pumps
  2. Applying the theory on hydrodynamics and combining the structure of the pump , the method of calculating the flux is found , using the simulating dual pump which mercury serve as the working medium , by the experiment on the electromagnet used in the dual pump , the optimum method of the coil connection is gained ; by the experiment on the relation the static pressure and the working parameter in different groove structure , a high - efficiency groove structure named as " + " shape are devised ; by comparing the static pressure and flux between single pump and dual pump , the conclusion that the flux of dual pump is about 1 . 6 times as much as the flux of single pump is educed , and prove it practical that the dual pump is adopted to increase the flux
    利用水银为工作介质的双联电磁泵,通过对双联电磁铁不同接法的实验研究,找到最佳激磁线圈接线方法;通过对不同流槽结构的静压头与工作参数关系实验,研究得出一种高效率的新型流槽结构? ?十字型流槽结构;通过对单泵、双泵的泵高和流量实验,得山了在同等工作条件下,双泵流量大约为单泵的1 . 6倍的结论,从而证明了采用双联泵的方法来提高直流电磁泵的方法是切实可行的。


  1. "双联"英文
  2. "双联安全阀"英文
  3. "双联包装拨动式开关"英文
  4. "双联本印刷"英文
  5. "双联本印刷 左右轮转 自反版"英文
  6. "双联舱口"英文
  7. "双联缠绕"英文
  8. "双联乘法器"英文
  9. "双联齿轮"英文
  10. "双联冲眼机"英文


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