
发音:   用"双金属复合板"造句
  • 双金属:    thermometal; plyme ...
  • 复合:    compound; complex; ...
  • :    board; plank; plat ...
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  1. This article analyzes the solid phase bonding mechanism and main factor influencing bond strength
  2. Bimetal composite sheet has special mechanical and physical performances , which can supply the industry needs , so it is necessary to make research on it
  3. And relying on this , our laboratory proposes a new cladding method . by means of large dynamic explicit fem code ansys / ls - dyna , the numerical simulation was carried out in bimetal forming process . during the simulation of the forming process , the large deformation of the strip should be considered , as well as geometrical and material nonlinear , the contact between the roller and the strip , the contact between two metal sheets and the load . as for these problems , we can use node to surface contact and relative parameters , biso model is introduced , the load is applied as array
    本文采用ansys / ls - dyna计算程序为分析工具,对锯齿形双金属复合板成型过程进行计算机数值模拟,在对轧制过程模拟时,针对轧件变形的几何非线性和材料非线性特点、轧辊与轧件间的接触、轧件间的接触以及模型的加载等问题,给出了在ansys / ls - dyna中相应的解决方法:应用nodetosurface接触方式,设定相应参数,选用双线性等向硬化模型,载荷作为array施加在刚体质心。
  4. Through the simulation of the forming process , we can get the deformations , stress , strain , plastic flowing in sheets and the interface state under impact load and rolling load , the deformation of the sawtooth form and comparing to the initial state , the results above are expressed in computer animated way . and the effect of geometrical ( mainly different form , including 90 degree , isoceles triangle , 75 degree , and 1 . 5 high and wide ) , material and technical parameters on the bond strength are analyzed , also including the comparison of different sawtooth form . the optimum parameters are got
    双金属复合板成型过程进行模拟,从而得到在冲击载荷和轧辊压力作用下基板和覆板的应力、应变分布和塑性流动变形规律,复合后的齿形的变形情况与初始齿形形成对比,以动画的方式模拟成型过程,并分析了不同几何参数(主要是不同的齿型,其中包括直角齿型、等腰齿型、 75度齿型、 1 . 5高宽齿型) 、材料参数、工艺参数对复合强度的影响,以及不同齿型的变形对比以及齿型对复合情况的影响,提出最优齿型、最优工艺参数,有效地指导了实验。


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