
发音:   用"发光猝灭"造句
luminescence quenching
quenching of luminescence
  • 发光:    give out light; sh ...
  • 猝灭:    quencher; quenchin ...
  • 光猝灭:    optical quenching
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  1. In addition , the behaviors of the ptcl exciton in an applying electrostatic field were numerically explored . we came to the results that electric field has strong and interesting effects on the ptcl exciton . no dramatic polarization of the exciton is seen in weak electric field
  2. But in the moderate electric field 150 kv / cm , there is a sharp change in the configuration and charge distribution of the exciton , i . e . the exciton is directly split into an electron polaron and a hole polaron . the polarization and dissociation happen at a same time , which differs from that in conjugated polymers . and in the strong electric field 350 kv / cm , appear structural phase transition of the chain and luminescence quenching
    同时得到两个重要的临界电场值: 1激子解离电场ec1 ( 150kv / cm ) ,在此电场下激子发生瞬间解离,成为电子型极化子和空穴型极化子; 2结构相变电场ec2 ( 350kv / cm ) ,在ec2下二聚化晶格开始被等距晶格取代, ptcl络合物链发生结构相变,并伴随peierls能隙渐趋消失和发光猝灭的现象出现。


  1. "发光锥体"英文
  2. "发光字母读出器"英文
  3. "发光组件"英文
  4. "发光组织"英文
  5. "发光剌激"英文
  6. "发光阈"英文
  7. "发光鲷"英文
  8. "发光鲷科"英文
  9. "发果"英文
  10. "发过节费的日子"英文


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