
发音:   用"受体阻断剂"造句
receptor antagonist
receptor blocker
receptor blocking agent
receptor blocking pharmacon
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  1. Synthesis and biological study of isopropanol derivatives as - adrenergic blocking agent
  2. ( 3 ) yohimbine ( 4 mg / kg ) , a selective a2 - ar antagonist , also partially attenuated the effects of agmatine
    门)预先静注眯哩淋受体门r )和a厂肾上腺素能受体阻断剂( a厂ar ) idazoxan ( 2
  3. The study authors conclude , " these results do not support the use of alpha 2 agonists in eterans with chronic ptsd .
    研究作者推断: “这些结果并不适用于使用2受体阻断剂治疗慢性ptsd的患者。
  4. ( 4 ) efaroxan ( 2f5 mg / kg ) , a selective antagonist for ii over i2 - imidazoline receptors and a2 - ar , could completely blocked the effects of agmatine
    N )预先静注眯哩晰受体门; )禾a 。肾上腺素能受体阻断剂efaroxan ( 2
  5. The big study to be reported on tuesday compared angioplasty plus optimal heart medications ? aspirin , beta blockers , ace inhibitors and statins to lower cholesterol ? to medications alone


  1. "受体杂质"英文
  2. "受体增敏"英文
  3. "受体征集,受体募集"英文
  4. "受体转化"英文
  5. "受体族"英文
  6. "受体阻断药"英文
  7. "受体阻滞剂"英文
  8. "受体阻滞药"英文
  9. "受体拮抗剂"英文
  10. "受体拮抗剂和抗过敏药物"英文


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