
发音:   用"叠石"造句
piling and layout of stones
stones laying
  • :    pile up; repeat
  • :    dan,a unit of dry ...
  • 层叠石:    stromatolite
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  1. Tap mun features a variety of attractions , including the tin hau kung temple , lung tau ken , dip shek and the tap mun shrine
  2. Inside the park there are several beautiful views such as renqiu pavilion , the forty - four bridge , the piled - up rocks , the artificial hills , danying veranda and the insensate rock room
  3. Inside the park there are several beautiful views such as renqiu pavilion , the forty - four bridge , the piled - up rocks , the artificial hills , danying veranda and the insensate rock room
  4. Ramesses , wearing the so - called war blue crown and full royal regalia , and seated on a cushioned backless chair ; addresses his nobles and great officials on the circumstances of the conflict to be expected at qadesh
  5. An imponant feature of the suzhou classical gardens is that , as products of historical culture , they carry information on chinese traditional ideology and culture . the garden hall names , inscribed horizontal boards , pillar couplets , stone in scriptions , carvings , decorations and tree - , nower - androckery - implied meanings all not only serve as exquisite art works for embellishing gardens , but also contain extensive and deep historical , cultural , ideological and scientific deposits in both material and spiritual aspects


  1. "叠生星状毛"英文
  2. "叠生形成层"英文
  3. "叠生芽"英文
  4. "叠生牙"英文
  5. "叠生叶状体"英文
  6. "叠石庭园"英文
  7. "叠式"英文
  8. "叠式冲洗盆"英文
  9. "叠式储存器"英文
  10. "叠式存储器"英文


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