
发音:   用"可用工作时间"造句
available labour time
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  1. You can increase the amount of available working time in two ways
  2. Assigning a resource at 100 percent units means you want the resource to give all available working hours to the task
    指定某资源的资源单位为100 % ,意味着要让该资源用所有的可用工作时间来从事该任务。
  3. Then , if a resource has 40 available hours per week , microsoft project will indicate an overallocation only if the total number of work hours assigned to the resource in a 1 - week period exceeds 40 hours
    如果资源每周有40小时可用工作时间,而一周内分配给该资源的工作时间超过40小时, microsoftproject就会指示过度分配。
  4. If all of your resources are assigned to work all of their available hours and your budget does n ' t permit you to add more resources , there is still something you can do . as a last resort , you can resolve overallocations by increasing the amount of available time resources can work - in short , by changing the working times of resources


  1. "可用负载"英文
  2. "可用概率单位外延法估计危险度"英文
  3. "可用干衣机烘干"英文
  4. "可用高度"英文
  5. "可用格式"英文
  6. "可用功"英文
  7. "可用功率"英文
  8. "可用功率曲线"英文
  9. "可用功率通量密度"英文
  10. "可用功率响应"英文


圣诞节(中英文)祝福语    (二)

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