
发音:   用"可转让债务工具"造句
negotiable debt instruments held
  • :    approve
  • 转让:    transfer the posse ...
  • 债务:    debt; liabilities; ...
  • 工具:    tool; means; imple ...
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  1. Ndis held by the retail banks have grown at double - digit pace in each of the past five years
    过去5年零售银行持有的可转让债务工具每年均以双位数字的速度增长, 2002年的增幅为20
  2. Total holdings of ndis by the retail banks remained steady at 21 . 3 % of their total assets at the end of 2004 , compared with 21 . 8 %
  3. As in 1999 , some banks continued to divert their surplus funds released by sluggish loan demand into other negotiable debt instruments
  4. Switching into higher - yielding negotiable debt instruments ( ndis ) , excluding negotiable certificate of deposits ( ncds ) , was the main conduit for banks surplus funds in view of the limited lending opportunities
  5. The holding of negotiable debt instruments ( ndis , excluding negotiable certificate of deposits ( ncds ) ) by the retail banks continued to grow , but at a slower pace than in the past two years . the increase of 6 . 7 % compared with double - digit increases in both 2002 and 2003


  1. "可转让性"英文
  2. "可转让许可合同"英文
  3. "可转让英镑"英文
  4. "可转让与可分割信用证"英文
  5. "可转让债券"英文
  6. "可转让债务票据"英文
  7. "可转让政府证券"英文
  8. "可转让证券"英文
  9. "可转让证券(俗称流通证券)"英文
  10. "可转让证券,流通证券"英文


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