
[ táiqiúfáng ]发音:   用"台球房"造句
billiard room
  • 台球:    billiards billiard ...
  • :    house
  • 球房:    billiard-room
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  1. Some of the gentlemen were gone to the stables : the younger ones , together with the younger ladies , were playing billiards in the billiard - room
  2. To the billiard - room i hastened : the click of balls and the hum of voices resounded thence ; mr . rochester , miss ingram , the two misses eshton , and their admirers , were all busied in the game
  3. Hotels have night clubs , bowling alley , the billiard room , court , gymnasium , room of chess and card , sauna massage centre , beauty parlour , outdoor swimming pool , numerous places for guest s recreation amusement
  4. For recreation , the hotel boasts a bowling centre , snooker room , gym , sauna and massage centre and outdoor swimming pool . additionally there is a sea wave dance hall here , a karaoke centre , games room and shopping arcade . the hotel restaurants can cater for up to 500 guests , serving a variety of chinese and food and japanese dishes
  5. It is close to the eastern railway station , the eastern bus station and the airport . this is a convenient 10 minute walk from the city center . laundry service , currency exchange , room service , massage , sauna , internet service , chess and card room , bowling alley , billiards room , electron games room , indoor swimming pool , disco karaoke , fitness room


  1. "台球打法"英文
  2. "台球弹子模型"英文
  3. "台球的"英文
  4. "台球的沿革"英文
  5. "台球的一种"英文
  6. "台球杆"英文
  7. "台球规则"英文
  8. "台球棍"英文
  9. "台球和司诺克联合会"英文
  10. "台球记分板"英文


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