
发音:   用"叶器官"造句
foliage organ
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  1. The results from this study were published in acta botanica sinica , 42 , 1258 - 1262
  2. This study demonstrated that the photosynthetic contribution of non - leaf organs was 6 % - 28 % of that of flag leaves . the decline in photosynthetic activity was closely related to the reduction of chloroplast numbers
  3. Interestingly , it was observed that the photosynthetic capacity in the aging plant declined earlier in leaf organs than in non - leaf organs , suggesting that non - leaf organs are still functional in the later development stages , when leaves have been yellowing and exhausted
  4. If we consider the whole cereal plant as two parts , leaves and non - leaf organs , then it could be proposed that improvement of wheat yields can be obtained by improving the partitioning of assimilates of non - leaf organs ( frey - wyssling et al , 1959 ; sharma - natu et al , 1994 ) . although structure and function of leaves received considerable attention , those of non - leaf organs are poorly documented
  5. In my present study , changes in structure and function of all parts of non - leaf organs ( culms , paleae , lemmas , awns , and glumes ) were investigated during a series of developmental stages and in various cultivars . characterization of the culms of lodging - resistant wheat varieties lodging is a potential cause of yield reduction in cereal crops ( crook et al , 1994 )


  1. "叶齐德一世"英文
  2. "叶企孙"英文
  3. "叶企孙在曼多塔湖"英文
  4. "叶启田"英文
  5. "叶启源"英文
  6. "叶气孔"英文
  7. "叶气肿"英文
  8. "叶千秋"英文
  9. "叶浅予"英文
  10. "叶腔"英文



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