
发音:   用"合作伙伴关系管理"造句
prm partner relationshimanagement
  • 合作:    cooperate; collabo ...
  • 伙伴:    partner; companion ...
  • 关系:    relation; filiatio ...
  • 管理:    manage; run; admin ...
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Analysis of partnership management in apparel supply chain
  2. Prm partner relationship management
  3. Indeed , this purpose might require additional capabilities , such as partner relationship management , that would not be part of an esb and not necessarily supported by esb technologies
    事实上,这种用途可能需要附加的功能(如合作伙伴关系管理) ,这些功能不是esb的一部分,并且不一定受到esb技术的支持。
  4. In the fifth section , the thesis studies three measures to improve the partnership : the procedure of establishing scp , the measure of minimizing the bull effect and the strategy of purchasing based supply chain . they are also the three important aspects in scm
  5. Applying the stocking - methodology and management - theory of supply chain management and making use of the supplier cooperation relationship management , the capital flow management , the information management based on advanced technology such as edi , storage management , achievement evaluation and so on , the enterprise realize the jit purchasing on the situation of absenting enough detailed classification of product , finally fulfill the requirement of acutely variable order form , maximize the degree of customers " satisfaction , improve the adherence and contentment of customers , at the same time minimize the cost of the whole organization and establish a new multi - profit purchasing pattern


  1. "合作化学公司"英文
  2. "合作化运动"英文
  3. "合作绘画"英文
  4. "合作伙伴"英文
  5. "合作伙伴的评价和选择"英文
  6. "合作伙伴网络"英文
  7. "合作基地"英文
  8. "合作基金"英文
  9. "合作机构"英文
  10. "合作机制"英文


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