
发音:   用"名址"造句
  • :    time; times; days
  • :    location; site; gr ...
  • 出口商名址:    exporter’s name an ...
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  1. Dns , domain name system
  2. We may collect information regarding your ip address , browser type , domain name and access time . this information is used for our own research purposes and is separate from the data . we do not link ip addresses to any personal information
    我们或会收集您的网络协定位址" ip address "浏览器类别区位名址或称领域名称" domain name "及存取时间" access time "的资料。
  3. The database marketing can help executive to acquire huge market advantage in looking for target consumer , the product fixed position , lowering the marketing cost and developing new item etc . china post is now in a very difficult period . on the one hand , basic network of mail delivery for civil needs costs surprisingly huge of manpower and material resources every day . on the other hand , with the development of information network technology and emergence of logistics enterprises , some traditional businesses of key importance have lost their superiorities and fallen down year by year
  4. With the deepening development in reform of state - owned system in china , post has little of its superiority left . how to reverse the trend of running post at a loss and take it out of the difficult situation ? the emergence of data bank marketing gives it a chance , which gets post to realize the value of its tens of


  1. "名正言顺"英文
  2. "名知"英文
  3. "名之所在,谤之所归"英文
  4. "名之所在谤之所归"英文
  5. "名执"英文
  6. "名址不详细"英文
  7. "名址路由选择"英文
  8. "名智"英文
  9. "名种"英文
  10. "名主加地子"英文


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