
发音:   用"商业报"造句
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  • 商业:    commerce; trade; b ...
  • :    report; declare; a ...
  • 商业报单:    trade circular
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  1. Dutch journalist and historian , geert mak , spent the last year of the 20th century traveling around the continent for his newspaper , nrc handelsblad
    荷兰记者兼历史学家戈特?马克任职于《新鹿特丹商业报》 ,于上世纪的最后一年中游历欧洲大陆。
  2. Ongoing tax reforms should include adjustments to the personal income tax , property tax , and consumption tax in an effort to " strengthen the role of taxation in reducing poverty , " the china business news cited wang li , vice head of the state administration of taxation , as saying
    《中国商业报》引述国家税务总局副局长王礼(音)的话说,正在开展的税制改革将包括调整个人所得税、财产税和消费税,努力“强化税收在减少贫困方面的作用。 ”
  3. He knew that it was a punishment , a retribution from what he had done , so he quickly repented . everyday he prayed to the gods and asked for forgiveness . then in his dream a god said to him , " it was because you stole and ate a very kind man s duck that you are in this state
    当地的国家文化机构national cultural institution主任dr . jose altamirano vailenas一得知我们要办讲座之事,即非常拥护,不但免费提供场地及讲座所需之投影等器材,并为我们安排所有的报纸电台电视等的宣传,当地的两家报纸太阳报el sol ,及商业报el commercial ,在讲座之前都免费地刊出了师父的简介及讲座之消息。


  1. "商业保险单号"英文
  2. "商业保险公司"英文
  3. "商业保险资金"英文
  4. "商业保证"英文
  5. "商业保证协调人"英文
  6. "商业报表格式"英文
  7. "商业报单"英文
  8. "商业报道"英文
  9. "商业报告"英文
  10. "商业报告写作"英文


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